Any information you provide to government departments or agencies can be matched against the information you provide in your visa application. Back in the day you may have gotten away with a little white lie here or there but not anymore.
Read MoreIf you are a NZ citizen that has been living in Australia for a while, chances are you could be eligible for a permanent visa or even Australian citizenship.
Read MoreIf you don’t stay informed you could wake up one day to find your hairdresser leaving you with a half head of foils because your 30 minutes is up. But how do you stay informed without getting caught up in the mainstream media whirlwind?
Read MoreTemporary residents are not considered “eligible employees” for the new JobKeeper payment, but it could indirectly save their jobs.
Read MoreWhat happens during Coronavirus, stays with the Coronavirus. Except for your immigration history records. That shit'll come back with you.
Read MoreMigration lawyers/agents can be a huge help, but they cost a lot and the stress of picking the right agent can be just as stressful as the application itself.
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