Visa Sidekick Here to Save Your Day
Photo of Sydney Harbour by @jamie_davies (via Unsplash)
Visa Sidekick
Here to Save Your Day
Australia is one of the greatest countries on this planet. We have some of the most beautiful beaches, best weather and incredible talent in the world.
People travel from all corners of the earth to visit. Others leave everything behind and risk it all to be able to come to Australia.
With so many people applying for Australian visas everyday, the immigration climate is getting more brutal. Applications for visas are getting more and more confusing, not to mention expensive.
Visa Applications are quickly becoming scary things that applicants are unable to do themselves.
Migration Agents or Lawyers can help, but they cost a lot and the stress of picking the right agent/lawyer can be just as stressful as the application itself.
While a lot of agents and lawyers are excellent, others can be a little bit dodgy (don’t forget agents working offshore, aren’t always registered even if they appear to have an ID number) or even make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes every now and again, but you don’t want your visa application to be the one a mistake is made on. What happens if they forget to provide a document, or declare something incorrectly?
You don’t often get given a final copy of the application, and agents generally keep the applications in their own firm’s Immi Accounts. The reasons behind this are actually understandable but it does mean applicants relinquish a lot of control over their application when they use a full-service migration agent or lawyer.
Visa Sidekick is here to change all that. The aim of Visa Sidekick is to offer heaps of informative, easy to understand, customised content to back you up in preparing your own visa applications.
Our first Sidekick product, a Partner Visa Application Checking Report, will be available in the near future. You can find out more about what to expect from the Partner Visa Application Checker now by checking out the FAQs.
Keep an eye out for new tailored sidekick options. And if you have any sidekick requests, let us know in the comments below.