COVID-19 & Data Matching
Photo by Daniel Pelaez Duque via Unsplash
Data matching might seem like a weird topic to bring up during the coronavirus crisis, but think about how much information you are providing to government departments and agencies at this time. You might be filling in an incoming passenger card when returning to Australia; you might be applying for the JobSeeker or JobKeeper payments; you might be applying for other types of financial or social security assistance; you might be applying for a visa or to sponsor someone for a visa; you might applying for early access to your superannuation; and soon enough it will be time for your next tax return.
Any information you provide to government departments or agencies can be matched against the information you provide in your visa application. If you have provided incorrect or fraudulent information you could risk having your visa application refused and a ban on further visas for Australia.
Back in the day you may have gotten away with a little white lie here or there but not anymore. Even those old white lies have started surfacing and impacting people’s chances at visa and citizenship. Even if you get away with it initially, you just never know when it could be discovered. One of our previous clients didn’t get citizenship because the DHA discovered that he had provided incorrect information for the farm work required for a second working holiday visa many years before.
The systems the DHA use to match are not top notch yet but they are forever improving and it is amazing what the DHA can find out. Don’t forget that some institutions, such as the courts, also have reporting obligations.
While some people will be silly enough to be trying to claim the JobSeeker payment as a single while also applying to sponsor their de facto partner for a partner visa, others can get caught out just on a slip of the mind on something.
Some areas to consider and double check:
Have you declared your relationship correctly? When applying for social security or tax returns it can be tempting to mark down your relationship status as single to get a better outcome, but if you are in a spousal or de facto relationship chances are you will get caught out and it could affect your visa application. If you are applying for a visa on the basis of your relationship with something this is extremely important.
Are any debts to the Commonwealth declared? Don’t forget to consider unpaid fines and outstanding tax payments when answering this question.
Are you up to date on your tax returns? Even if you are a subcontractor or sole trader you still have to lodge a personal tax return each year.
Is your address declared correctly with each Department?
Have you declared your international travel as required?
This list is definitely not exhaustive, it just gives an idea of common areas in which people find themselves in trouble (and it isn’t always on purpose). It is not limited to just the info you might provide but also the info provided by your partner, family members, employers etc.
If you have a visa application processing, don’t forget you are obligated to update the DHA of changes in contact details, addresses and change in circumstances. Changes in circumstances could include a new family member, change in citizenship, criminal convictions or pretty much anything that could impact the outcome of your application. You can do this through the Immi Account so long as you have lodged your application online.
For more info on data matching check out the following:
Disclaimer: The above information does NOT constitute legal advice and DOES NOT create a lawyer-client relationship between you and Visa Sidekick. It does not take into account individual circumstances and is intended to be informational only. If you need legal advice please contact an Australian Immigration Lawyer.